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Freelancer Form

Please complete the entire form to submit your information.

* Indicates a Required Field

Please add all relevant qualification information below. Without details of your qualifications, you may miss out on relevant work opportunities. Add additional qualications by clicking the "Add Qualification" button. Each group of qualifications selected should include an uploaded file or image as proof of the relevant qualification. DO NOT group qualifications that have different certification or you will not have the option to upload all required files.

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Uniform / Clothing
- Visions will provide engineer’s with branded clothing where required, for either the rig or show. Once clothing has been provided please keep it for future projects
- Where required, suits or dinner jackets will be specified when the call sheet / purchase order is produced.
- We expect either black shorts or black trousers / combats to be worn with polo shirts. Shorts should not be worn except while rigging or on some outdoor events.
- Some shows / projects just require plain blacks, this will be specified on the call sheet / purchase order.
- We do not provide wet weather gear for events.
- We do not provide PPE equipment for sub-contractors.

Food & Drink
- On some occasions we will offer a PD buy out for an event, which will cover all food & drink.
- Liquid refreshments will be provided on site where available or in cases where you have been away overnight or do not have time to leave
-Where onsite at 7am or prior; or where overnight accommodation has been provided we will provide lunch, we will also provide lunch if engineers are unable to leave the event.
- Dinner is provided on events where you will not be home in reasonable time for dinner
- If you have overnight accommodation an evening meal will be provided
- Breakfast is provided where overnight accommodation is required

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Uniform / Clothing
- Visions will provide engineers with branded clothing where required, for either the rig or show. Once clothing has been provided, please keep it for future projects
- Where required, suits or dinner jackets will be specified when the call sheet / purchase order is produced.
- We expect either black shorts or black trousers / combats to be worn with polo shirts. Shorts should not be worn except while rigging or on some outdoor events.
- Some shows / projects just require plain blacks; this will be specified on the call sheet / purchase order.
- We do not provide wet weather gear for events.
- We do not provide PPE equipment for sub-contractors.

Food & Drink
- On some occasions we will offer a PD buy out for an event, which will cover all food & drink.
- Liquid refreshments will be provided on site where available or in cases where you have been away overnight or do not have time to leave
-Where onsite at 7am or prior; or where overnight accommodation has been provided we will provide lunch, we will also provide lunch if engineers are unable to leave the event.
- Dinner is provided on events where you will not be home in reasonable time for dinner
- If you have overnight accommodation an evening meal will be provided
- Breakfast is provided where overnight accommodation is required

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